Common Traffic Violations in Illinois
Some traffic ticket issues our firm handles are:
- Driving while license is suspended or revoked
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Fleeing and eluding a police officer
- Passing a school bus
- Leaving the scene of an accident
The consequences for traffic violations may include a range of fines, jail time, and license suspension or revocation. If you’ve received a traffic ticket in Kendall County, contact Attorney Andrew Nickel immediately for legal assistance. Charges are often reduced or can be minimized with the assistance of a qualified traffic ticket lawyer.
Normally, speeding is a petty offense. Like with most traffic-related penalties, court supervision is an option, along with a fine and possible traffic school (mandatory for offenders under 21 years old). However, the penalties will increase depending on how much you were speeding over the posted speed limit:
- 25 mph over the posted limit – misdemeanor
- 26-34 mph over – Class B misdemeanor
- 35+ mph over – Class A misdemeanor
Speeding in a school zone is a petty offense, though conviction is mandatory along with a $250 fine. Speeding in a construction zone is also a petty offense punishable by up to $375 in fines, and two violations within two years will result in an automatic 90-day suspension of driving privileges.
Reckless Driving
Another traffic offense we can defend you against is a ticket for reckless driving, which occurs when a person drives with a total disregard for the safety of persons or property. Reckless driving is a Class A misdemeanor in most cases, but if an accident occurred involving serious injury it can be charged as a Class 4 felony. Multiple convictions can result in revocation of your driving privileges.
Charges often associated with reckless driving are street racing offenses. A first offense of street racing is a Class A misdemeanor with a minimum fine of $250. A second offense is a Class 4 felony with a minimum fine of $500. Any conviction will result in automatic revocation of driving privileges.
Fleeing and Eluding an Officer
Fleeing and eluding an officer is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum of 1 year in jail and/or a $2,500 fine. Any conviction will result in automatic revocation of driving privileges, although supervision is a possible sentencing option.
Fleeing and eluding becomes an “aggravated” offense punishable as a Class 4 felony (first offense) or Class 3 felony (subsequent offense) when any of the following occurs while the offender is fleeing and eluding:
- the vehicle was, at any time, traveling 21 miles or more over the posted speed;
- bodily harm was caused to any individual;
- property damage exceeded $300;
- the offender disobeyed 2 or more traffic control devices;
- the vehicle had a registration plate that was altered or concealed.
Passing a School Bus
A less serious petty offense is passing a school bus. However, a conviction is mandatory and will result in an automatic suspension of your driving privileges. First offenses will result in 3 months of license suspension and $150 in fines, and subsequent offenses will result in 5 years of suspension and $500 in fines. The only way to avoid the conviction and suspension is for the charge to be amended by the prosecutor.
Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Leaving the scene of an accident can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances. In less serious cases, it will be a Class A misdemeanor; if the accident involved death or personal injury, leaving the scene will be charged as a Class 4 felony. Note that in the latter case, a conviction is mandatory and will result in the automatic revocation of your driving privileges.
If you are dealing with a traffic ticket in Kendall County, contact The Law Offices of Andrew Nickel for legal representation immediately. Traffic tickets can rise from the misdemeanor level to the felony level, as well as entail criminal repercussions in some situations. Our firm can take a look at your case and help you strategize an effective defense to protect your driving privileges and possibly argue for mitigated or even dismissed charges.
Schedule a free consultation online or at (630) 553-7111 to get started today.

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