What Are The Practice Areas For A Felony Attorney In Illinois?
Regardless of what type of criminal offense you have committed, a criminal defense attorney can help develop an aggressive and effective legal defense strategy depending on the seriousness of your accusations. They can be either violent or non-violent charges, including drunk driving/DUI, violating traffic laws, or white-collar crimes.
Many people mistakenly believe that hiring an experienced lawyer is not important for certain crimes. However, even a charge for disorderly conduct in Illinois can also have you penalized severely so it’s important to work with an attorney in this case. For more details, the felony Illinois handbook has all information you need to know about felony crimes and penalties in Illinois.
Some common practice areas for felony attorneys include:
- White-collar crimes
- Violent crimes
- Drug crimes
- Probation violations
So, if you have already been found guilty of a crime, it’s advisable to seek advice from a defense attorney. Depending on your case, an attorney can help you with felony expungements in Illinois or if you have been charged and not acquitted, contacting a criminal defense lawyer immediately can help you begin building a strong case from the outset.
Possible Defenses Against Serious Felony Charges
Being arrested for a felony offense can lead to severe consequences. Your future and independence are generally put at risk. Felonies tend to be more serious crimes and can carry heavy punishments. A capital felony may lead to severe punishments such as life imprisonment, the death penalty, or serving very lengthy jail time. For violent crimes, it can result in longer jail time in state prison.
Each case is different, but common defenses to serious felony charges include the following:
This refers to the defendant acting to defend them from physical harm from the other person’s attack. It is most commonly used in violent crime cases.
Mistake of Fact
This is where a person’s identity was mistaken when they were arrested or charged with a crime. Some of these cases may be easy to prove, but others may require extensive investigations and the gathering of forensic evidence.
This is where intoxicants like alcohol or drugs are taken into account when determining whether a person had the intent to commit an offense. While this may not prevent a conviction in all cases, it could result in a lesser sentence.
Contact an Illinois Criminal Defense Attorney If You Face a Possible Felony Conviction
If you or someone you love is facing felony charges, it is critical to find a great criminal defense lawyer at the top of his or her profession.
When you need reliable legal advice and advocacy, Andrew Nickel is a felony lawyer and former prosecutor who can help you tackle your case, beginning with a free initial consultation. If you choose to work with him, he will assist you in building a solid defense and protecting your rights, liberty, and future against your felony charge.
Our law office is ready to evaluate your criminal case. Contact us today for a free consultation and begin moving forward.

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