Kendall County Criminal Defense Lawyers
25+ Years of Defense Work from Aggressive Former Prosecutors in Kendall and Kane Counties
If you’re facing criminal charges, contact The Law Offices of Andrew Nickel to strategize your defense immediately.
At The Law Offices of Andrew Nickel, we have over 25 years of combined experience, as well as a decade of former prosecution experience. Attorney Andrew Nickel was also formerly in charge of the Kendall County DUI division, so he has an intimate knowledge of how the criminal justice system works. Our firm can anticipate how the prosecution might craft their argument against you and strategize a defense that addresses those points before you even go to court. In effect, you’ll have a prosecutor and a defender working on your defense.
For experienced, aggressive, and one-on-one representation, contact The Law Offices of Andrew Nickel online or at (630) 553-7111.

We represent Kendall County residents in a range of criminal defense matters, including:
- Aggravated Assault
- Aggravated Battery
- Declaration Elimination Violence Women
- Disorderly Conduct
- Domestic Battery
- Driving On Suspended License
- Driving Without Insurance
- Drug Crimes
- Dui Court Supervision
- Felony
- Felony Expungement
- Felony Lawyer
- Misdemeanor
- Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia
- Reckless Driving
- Retail Theft
- Revoked License Il
- Traffic Ticket

“My experience with both Atty Andrew Nickels and his staff was absolutely amazing. Great integrity. Genuine. If you need them please call them.”
- Suzanne K. -
“Quick with responses, thorough, kind, and professional- this goes for the paralegals as well!”
- Marcus A. -
“They go to any lengths to make sure your rights are protected and your integrity is upheld. Strongly recommend!”
- Sean B.
Why You Should Work with a Criminal Defense Lawyer
Your life, future, and family are at stake when you’ve been charged with a crime. The best thing you can do for yourself if you’ve been arrested or accused is to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer to champion your case. A good attorney could make the difference between harsh penalties and a reduced or even dismissed sentence. An experienced lawyer can also analyze your situation to locate any loopholes that might apply to your case, such as finding certain evidence to be inadmissible in court.
Remember that you have every right to an attorney if you’ve been charged with a crime and that you have no obligation to answer a police officer’s questions upon arrest. Whether you’ve been accused of DUI, reckless driving, or some other felony or misdemeanor, reach out to The Law Offices of Andrew Nickel immediately to get started on your defense with a professional who knows how to win.

DUI Defense
One type of criminal charge that our firm has significant experience handling is DUI. Recall that it is illegal in Illinois to drive or be in "actual physical control" of a motor vehicle while:
- with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of at least .08% (.04% for commercial drivers, .00% for drivers under 21 years old);
- while under the influence of alcohol;
- while under the influence of alcohol, intoxicating compounds, drugs, or a combination to an extent that renders the person incapable of driving safely;
- with any amount of a controlled substance in the person's blood, urine, or other bodily substance; or
- with a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of 5 nanograms or more in the blood or ten nanograms or more in another bodily substance within 2 hours of driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle.
The penalties for DUI will depend on the severity of the incident and whether they have prior convictions:
- 1st offense – up to 364 days in jail; up to $2,500 in fines; 1 year of license revocation (2 years for drivers under 21 years old)
- 2nd offense – up to 364 days in jail; $2,500 in fines; 5 years of license revocation
- 3rd offense – up to 7 years in jail; $25,000 in fines; 10 years of license revocation
Illinois also implements an implied consent law requiring lawfully arrested drivers to submit to a chemical test. Refusing or failing a test will result in months to years of license suspension. Learn more about Illinois’ DUI laws and what to do if you’ve been pulled over on our DUI page.
Traffic Ticket Representation
We also represent clients dealing with traffic-related offenses, such as:
- Driving on a suspended license
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Fleeing and eluding a police officer
- Passing a school bus
- Leaving the scene of an accident
The consequences for traffic violations may include a range of fines, jail time, and license suspension or revocation, so it is critical to consult an attorney for legal support in the face of traffic charges. Some examples of the penalty levels for certain offenses include:
- Reckless driving – Class A misdemeanor or Class 4 felony if an accident occurred involving serious injury
- Fleeing and eluding an officer – Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in jail and/or a $2,500 fine
- Passing a school bus – 3 months of license suspension and $150 in fines (first offense), or 5 years of suspension and $500 in fines (subsequent offense).
- Leaving the scene of an accident – Class A misdemeanor or Class 4 felony if the accident involved death or personal injury
Whether you are facing legal complications due to a traffic ticket, DUI, or some other crime, The Law Offices of Andrew Nickel is prepared to defend your case. We will work directly with you every step of the way to make sure you exhaust all your options for mitigated or dismissed charges.
Call (630) 553-7111 or contact us online to get started in a free consultation.